Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  
Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  

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Chicago, IL


Boozy Christmas Market


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Boozy Christmas Market

Cody Hudson

Letherbee joined forces with their friends from starstylingI am WLCM & JOD and happily invites you to their Boozy Christmas Market at Letherbee Fountain in Berlin.

 It will be festive and boozy with excellent drinks (curated by Celina Dzyacky), nice tunes and cookies. Rejoice! Handmade interior goods, colourful shirts, great beanies for a good cause and all products of Letherbee Distillers are waiting for you.

This is just the kickoff. 

The Boozy Christmas Market will be open for you

05. & 06. Dec / 12. & 13. Dec / 19. & 20. Dec (From 11am to 7pm)