Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  
Letherbee  Distillers
Chicago  Illinois  

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Chicago, IL


Letherbee at Pub Royale


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Letherbee at Pub Royale

Cody Hudson

We are excited to announce a collaboration with the new Chicago bar/restaurant, Pub Royale. Together with the core members of the restaurant’s beverage team (Michael McAvena, Wade McElroy, & Jeff Donahue) we have begun producing an herbal liqueur for exclusive use in Pub Royale’s “Royale Cup” cocktails. While the liqueur is flavored primarily with bitter orange peel, rhubarb root, angelica, and caramel, the Royale Cups will span the range from fruity to bitter and everywhere in between. Pub Royale is now open and serving Letherbee. Thank you.

photo: Hilary Higgins/for RedEye